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About Us

Posh Pooches and Purrs offers you a trusted family-owned in-home pet sitter and dog walker in Greenville, Mauldin, Greer and Simpsonville, SC. We are family owned and operated.

Worry-free, loving pet care when you can't be there!

Image by Alvan Nee

Meet Carrie Prunkel

-  CPR Pet First Aid Certified

-  Positive Reinforcement

-  Free In-Home Consultation

-  Fully Insured




My name is Carrie Prunkel, and I am a professional pet sitter and dog walker.  I am a full-time professional pet sitter who adores animals.  I am also a wife to my partner, Hanz, and mom of 2 wonderful kids and 3 awesome dogs. I am originally from New Jersey, but love calling Greenville home now.  Prior to pet sitting, I was a Client Service Representative for a Financial Planning Firm. I bet you're wondering how I got into pet sitting?


I have always heard successful people say to follow your heart or your passion.  The only one thing I’ve ever really been passionate about (other than my children) is animals.  I love them!  Always have, always will.  I seem to be drawn to them, and they seem to be drawn to me. I don’t claim to be a dog whisperer, but I do claim to be the biggest dog fan you’ll ever meet.  I don’t discriminate though, I love all kinds of animals. I know how much my animals mean to me -- they are part of our family.  It is a challenge to find a person that you can trust to take care of them when you’re away.  I want to be that go-to person for you. I will treat your pets the way I treat my very own.


We are a family run business offering loving, trusted, pet care in the Greenville/Spartanburg, SC areas. It’s very important to us that our clients feel comfortable knowing their pets are in great hands with us as their pet sitters and to not worry about a thing when they are away. We stay in touch with you while you are away, via email, text or by phone.

Because I have pets of my own, I know how it feels to leave them in someone else's care when you're away.  It can be a very stressful time! My goal is to alleviate the stress you and your pet may have when you have to be away. I have VERY high standards for my pets and their care.  Consequently, I have implemented that into what I do now : caring for others’ pets responsibly, lovingly, and thoroughly. I truly love this work and love all my client’s pets as I love my own.


I promise to exceed your expectations and provide the most loving care for your fur babies while you're away. Call me today!


- Carrie Prunkel

What Sets Me Apart

We have some wonderful pet care providers in our area.  However, it is my goal to provide the best pet care in our area.  I want my clients to feel completely comfortable leaving their animals in my care and know that I will treat them like my own. I want to earn your trust.  It is my job to prove to you that I can be trusted whole-heartedly with your home and your beloved pet(s).


I strive to go above and beyond.  If you need medication or food picked-up when you’re out of town, I will take care of it for you.  If your doggie needs to be picked up from the vet or groomer, and you are tied up in a meeting, no problem!  If you are out to dinner and decide to go to a movie, call me. I typically can go check-on your fur baby for you. I want to be your pet’s next best friend (after you, of course!) 


I also strive to be pro-active. As your pet sitter, if I see an item that needs attention, I take care of it (or, if there is any question, call you first), even if the service was not specifically requested.


I maintain open communication at all times. Great communication is the key to all successful relationships. To this end, I use a pet sitting software that allows me to communicate with you each time I go to your home.  I always send pictures and messages at each visit, along with a time clock and GPS coordinates showing I was at your house. I love this!  I also write detailed messages describing your pet’s activities and behaviors, including any changes I notice in their eating or sleeping or other routines. I also like to keep you abreast of all their fun and funny ‘adventures’ when you’re gone! I don’t like to brag, but I’ve been known to take pretty awesome pet pics too!


Reliability is key in my profession. I may be great with animals, but if you can’t count on me to be at your house when I’m supposed to be, then nothing else matters.  If your fur baby is on my schedule for the day, I will be there. If I have an emergency and can’t be there myself, I will send another trustworthy pet sitter. My pet sitting software also helps in keeping me super organized by sending a schedule to me each day. 


As a pet sitter, it is extremely important that I pay close attention to details and be super observant. That’s an easy one for me, because it comes naturally.  Just ask my kids!  If I notice anything out of the ordinary or that your pet is not acting him or herself, I will let you know.  Nothing goes unnoticed or ignored.  This is so important when it comes to your pet and your home.  I want you to come home with a happy pet and a home in the shape you left it in.


Please don’t only take my word on this, but I encourage you to take a look at the reviews on my Facebook business page -

Genesis 1:20-30 

Then God said, “Let the oceans swarm with living creatures, and let flying creatures soar above the earth throughout the sky!” So God created every kind of magnificent marine creature, every kind of living marine crawler with which the waters swarmed, and every kind of flying creature.
And God saw how good it was. God blessed them by saying, “Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the oceans.
Let the birds multiply throughout the earth!”
The twilight and the dawn were the fifth day. 
Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth each kind of living creature, each kind of livestock and crawling thing, and each kind of earth’s animals!”
And that is what happened. 
God made each kind of the earth’s animals, along with every kind of livestock and crawling thing.
And God saw how good it was. 

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